If you have followed my blogs for a while, then you know of the Little Grey House. If you have not, the Little Grey House is where I live and where Bortle family memories have been made for over 20 years. Our parents moved to this house once my siblings and I were all grown. It was meant to move my parents closer to my father's Dialysis treatment center when he was living and struggling. It became a place that has defined me. But that is for the memoir, not the blog.
Lately, a cluster of loved ones have been staying with me at the Little Grey House. They are in transition from one house to another. I have enjoyed it. There has been a steady flow of a sweaty 9 year old boy; 14 year old girl with a big singing voice and a small need for disorder, a funny, unorganized year 15 year old it girl and a grown up with the weight of the world sitting on those broad, capable shoulders. Oh and not to mention the calico cat who likes you to turn the faucet on low stream every morning; the silly red cat who likes to spread the kitty litter into the next room and the bunny who is beyond supper soft but doesn't like squash in any form.
Louie and I adjusted to the company ~ though me more then him. He doesn't understand the cats in the house and him outside, not to mention what the hell is a rabbit doing in the house, he chases those for kicks. He has had to adjust as have the visitors ~ New beds, new pillows, new stuffed animals, new rules, new layout; where will I sleep, where are the towels, I forgot my bunkie, Aunt Sharyn wants us to clean the bunny cage every day, do I have clean underwear?
Today however, the last of their items were loaded in the truck and the Little Grey House is again quite and empty. And as I watched the truck drive away I reflected, wiping away the 'miss you already' tears ~ I had lovely people to cook for; there was Rhubard Oatmeal; burger night, an awesome pasta night, trout and fresh vegys, and on and on. On this last day there was Grilled Cheese sandwiches and peanut butter smothered apple slices to send them on their way.
I walked back into the house and it is eerily quite and wide opened. Yet when I listen closely I hear the laughter of the 9 yr old, the sobs of the 14 year old, the gears shift on the 15 year old and the grown-up's sigh of comfort. And, I know instantly, like mac and cheese, this Little Grey House has done its Job.
There is fullness all around me. I bump into plans, cry fests, inside jokes and warmth; there is little room for me and my nonsense. The Little Grey House is empty of possessions but FULL of Love, home cooked meals and, bunny food!! It is a beautiful (point of) view here at the Little Grey House...
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