Sunday, April 15, 2012

March 30th

Today I am going to Cafe' au Libris at the Lyndon House Arts Center. It is an opportunity to meet and mingle with local authors. I am particularly interested in my chef crush, Hugh Acheson, of the local restaurants Five & Ten and The National as well as from Bravo's Top Chef fame. He now has a cookbook out...

I have dreams of working in some capacity in the culinary world, so I am excited about this night.

I, as most of us, don't often get the chance to meet famous people we admire. The last time this happened to me I was going to hear John Wooden speak at the Classic Center here in Athens. It is hard to imagine that it was a 92 year old man I was going to see because I bought a new blouse and rushed home to redo my hair from a long day at work. My brother got us the tickets to hear Coach Wooden speak. I remember being irritated with him that he wanted to go out to eat with his family and not get to the Classic Center early like I did; he was not nearly as excited as I was. He did not change shirts from his office attire.

When the event finally got under way I only had minor quibbles about the moment; like why did they make this 92 year old man walk all the way across the stage to get to a seat that was one of those high rise director's chair? If he tumbled forward he would surely break every bone in his body. But other then that, it was an inspiring evening. He was everything you want that 'celebrity' you admire from books and TV to end up being in reality. He was poetic and lovely. He was larger then life and embracing all at the same time. He opened the floor at the end of the evening for audience Q&A and all I wanted to do was ask if he would sign my book(s). But I didn't have the nerve. I was afraid he would tell me I should have bought the $50 ticket that included the book signing, even though I am sure Coach Wooden would never embarrass someone that way.

The Mr. Acheson encounter was a little different and somewhat the same. I had eaten at his restaurant, Five & Ten a few times before ~ it is the kind of place you sort of have to save up for, unless you are REM's Manager or the Million Dollar Club Realtor on all those billboards around town ~ so I was a follower of Hugh the chef for several years. However, when I first started following Hugh the celebrity, he was set to be a Cheftestant on Top Chef Masters. On the first night of competition I posted all over Facebook and texted all my friends to watch and show support. Then, low and behold he was the first contestant kicked off. What! I had just settled in for a long season and right off the bat my chef crush was eliminated. I tuned in the next week and just like some American Idol Twist, Hugh got to return due to another contestant having personal issues that prevented them from competing. Though unlike American Idol, I am unaware if that had anything to do with a neglect to disclose a criminal record or not.

Hugh Acheson is no John Wooden. You definitely love and admire them for different reasons. Wooden never swore. On Top Chef, Acheson was bleeped a lot. Wooden ate the same sandwich for lunch most every day and Acheson makes hummus out of boiled peanuts.

At any rate, to my evening at Cafe' au Libris I am wearing my new Kelly green tunic, my Seven jeans and my trendy flats in case Hugh is short ~ celebrities are always short. I only paid half the power bill so I could afford to buy his cookbook and I plan to make a full meal out of the watercress sandwiches and Cecilia cake bites that will be the 'Cafe' spread for the free evening. I will drink water with lemon; it is a really cool looking cookbook.

When I approach the table with the authors books stacked from end to end there is a long line of library ladies guarding the table. One of them asks me if I am planning to buy one of the books and I say yes. She then hands me a post it note and tells me to write on it what ever I want the author to sign in the book. “What ever I want them to write?” I say, really, they will write what ever I want them to? That seems wrong. “Yes, anything you want them to write,” the lady replies.

I momentarily plot... “To Sharyn, You're Hired, See you in the Kitchen, Love Hugh”. This is my chance. That would be funny right? Memorable! I keep thinking, this is your chance Sharyn. Be bold. Get creative. Have another watercress sandwich, think, think.

I am in line. The gentleman in front of me is conversational with Hugh. My palms are sweating. They are talking about a hard working farmer they both know. I know no one and suddenly can't even remember that I grew up on a farm. It is my turn. Mr Acheson stands to shake my sweaty hand, great! I say something incoherent and he looks at the sticky note attached to his book and he says, “Ah, with a Y instead of an O, OK.” And there it want, my moment, poof. All I could manage to write with confidence on the post it note was To Sharyn...

It ends up with a “To Sharyn, Eat Well, Be Swell, Hugh Acheson” and I could complain and say that is kind of nerdy, 'be swell', what the hell? But, I only have myself to blame. Maybe he really did need my help with what to write after all; I shouldn't have made fun of the library ladies and the post it notes.

He hands the signed book back and I say thank you and walk away. I feel stupid in my new tunic; but the flats it turns out were a good call.

Soon, all the authors are summoned to the atrium. This is where they will each speak for 10 minutes.
In the end, Hugh ends up being a pretty classy celebrity. He speaks of community and his role in it and I like him as a person. I walk to my car with my autographed book still sporting the sad post it note and I find myself wishing I'd have been a bolder fan...again.

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